Shadow Constellations


Would you like to meet your Shadow self?

No thanks. Thanks, but no. Well, that’s understandable as our Shadow self is something we would not show to others that is within us, have denied about ourselves to feel or be, so we have hidden it from others and sometimes we don’t even realize we have it ourselves.

What does that question bring up for you? What does that even mean?

Being aware that this Shadow is actually a part of you and others, is and can be a challenging realization. However, once you can face that you too have a shadow self you can start to accept yourself and integrate this into your being and improve many aspects of your life. You can become less triggered and become more empathic. Your shadow self can also include ancestral or intergenerational shadows. A clue to getting to know your shadow can be noticing when somebody might annoy you in some way then a reaction in you that seems very big, sometimes so big, so irritating that you can’t stand it! Instead of reacting you can see this as key to safely look at this to see why this may be happening.

The Shadow is those thoughts and feelings we are not consciously aware of. Maybe something we cannot admit to. Some examples, there are shadows for anger, anxiety, sorrow, shame, guilt, personal power, independence, emotional sensitivity, sadness, rage and cruelty can often be repressed into our shadow.

Sometimes if our shadow gets too triggered it can be a good sign that Shadow work would be beneficial. If we are able to integrate this, we can gain more energy, transform our personal as well as professional relationships and enhance our confidence, self-esteem and inner peace.

If you would like to have a private introduction to your unique Shadow contact Simone at Launceston Bowen Therapy +. Shadow Constellations module is part of the full training in Family Constellations Therapy by the Institute for the Study of Systemic Constellations Israel.